10 Must-Have Smartphone Accessories


Now that you got your Galaxy S10 after tightening that belt over the past six months, you must be wondering "Now what"?

Now, my friend, it is time to get some essentials that other mere mortals call "accessories"! Those are accessories only for people who are not looking for happiness through buying things, not for us! Here are the top 10 must-have smartphone accessories in 2019.


Virtual Reality Kit

Whether you get Samsung Gear VR or Google DayDream View, it doesn't matter, just make sure to wear it, and talk about it all the time. Because nobody will know that you have a Galaxy S10 if it's always in your pocket. By having a VR set on your head while riding on a subway (because you've spent all your money on phones and accessories, and now you can't afford gas), you will be in the center of attention, guaranteed.

VR is the thing now, and it allows you to play games, use apps and visit awesome places and famous landmarks from the comfort of your home. Travel is too expensive anyway, so make sure you get a $1000 phone and then waste a couple more hundreds of your parent's hard-earned money on VR.


Get A Wireless Charging Dock

Yes, you can stick a cable in your phone, and charge it faster, but this is not 2009, it's 2019, so forget about that, get a wireless charger.

You just put your phone in the correct spot, and that's it, no wasting time and precious energy on trying to find a cable and the right hole on the phone.

Now that you have saved those valuable 0.3 seconds of your life, go back to playing Overwatch, that's a much better way to waste years than on looking for phone chargers. Just make sure to get the most expensive one you can find, a minimum $100!


Car Bluetooth Transmitter

Now, this actually has a purpose. These awesome devices let you connect your phone to your car, which will then transfer audio/calls to your car radio. So if someone calls you while your driving, you can answer without taking your hands off the steering wheel. You need them both there while driving stoned!


Waterproof Bluetooth Speakers

You are sloppy, so at least admit it, you need a waterproof speaker. Sooner rather than later, it's going to end up in your toilette accidentally, so better to be safe than sorry.

UE Boom 3 is a good option as it floats, which will make toilette extraction much less disgusting. It is also very powerful and looks nice. There are a lot of colors you can choose from, but try to pick something dark, brown preferably. :)


Power Banks

Because you are likely to hold your phone in your hand 24/7 until your whole town sees you have it, it is expected that you will run into battery issues. No worries, we got you covered, all you need is a power bank.

Maxoak 50,000mAh is just the thing you need.

50 000 means you can charge your phone more than ten times with it, which means it will now maybe last a full day, the way you're using it. So get two.



It's Beats or nothing else! You don't want to look like a fool pairing up your S10 with something cheap!

Solo3 is the right model, as it's wireless. You don't want to strangle yourself with those cables, and thankfully, you don't have too much gray in your brain to worry about radiation. Your only worry is flat Earth, and how to look good in public. Beats Solo3 is the answer for both, put them on, and listen to your favorite conspiracy podcast.


Selfie Stick

Selfie sticks are slowly going away into oblivion, but, you can still find tourists here and there using them. You want to get one just so you can literally shove your phone right under people's noses, showing them how you are among the first to get an S10.

Outside of that, they are useless. If you do make an actual selfie, the phone won't be in the picture — nothing a mirror can't solve though.


Phone Case

This is tricky. Get something too robust, and you will look stupid, and people will know that you got in serious debt just to buy the phone.

Not wear any, and you risk damaging your phone once you drop it (in the toilette). Our advice is to get something waterproof, reinforced and thick, and simply take it off in a controlled environment when you want to take Instagram photos.


Arm Band

Armbands are useful for people who like to jog while enjoying music on their phone.

They are even more useful for people looking to show their S10 to everyone. What makes them so awesome is that they are transparent, so you don't even have to bother taking the phone out of your pocket, it's at eye level already.


Car Mounts

Phone car mounts are like armbands, but for your car. They go well with a Bluetooth FM transmitter too. But, their primary purpose is not convenience, it's showing off. So put your car mount somewhere visible, you want even the passengers at the back seat to see your beautiful phone.



As you can see, covering up the essentials is not that difficult. You only need a few hundred dollars on top of your phone, and you are ready.

And while these might look like long-term investments, don't go that way. Make sure you buy everything new every time Samsung releases a new phone. You don't want people noticing that you are wearing the same old pair of Beats with your next Galaxy, do you?

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